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Title: Crop Water Use From Shallow Groundwater-Simulation Using Field Measured Soil and Climatic Parameters
Authors: Abenney-Mickson, Stephen
Miura, Takeshi
Keywords: Crop water use
Capillary rise
SWAP93 model
Issue Date: 16-Mar-1996
Publisher: 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
Citation: Abenney-Mickson, S., & Miura, T. (1996). Crop Water Use From Shallow Groundwater-Simulation Using Field Measured Soil and Climatic Parameters. 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告, 1(1), 169-179.
Abstract: The SWAP93 model was used to predict how much capillary rise would occur in cropped fields, The ~xperimental fields were located in a humid climate and it was thought that contribution from groundwater sourtes to total water use t0uld be significant. In one field planted with soybean, the model predicted an average daily uptake of 1.3 mm; in another field planted with pumpkin, there was average daily uptake of 0.3 mm; and yet in a third field located in a vinyl house there was average daily uptake of 0.03 mm. These predictions represent about 38, 7 and 1% contribution to total water use respectively. Even though there were no measured data to compare with, the results lie within the range of other works reported in the literature.
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