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Title: Divestment of foreign direct investment and domestic investment in developing countries agriculture
Authors: Badu-Prah, Charlotte
Srofenyoh, Francis Yao
Gidiglo, Ferguson Korbla
Agyeiwaa-Afrane, Akua
Agyei-Henaku, Kofi Aaron Aboa-Offei
Djokoto, Justice Gameli
Keywords: Agriculture
Developing countries
Domestic investment
Foreign direct investment
Foreign divestment
Issue Date: 10-Jan-2024
Publisher: Sustainable Economies
Citation: Badu-Prah, C., Srofenyoh, F. Y., Gidiglo, F. K., Agyeiwaa-Afrane, A., Agyei-Henaku, K. A. A. O., & Djokoto, J. G. (2024). Divestment of foreign direct investment and domestic investment in developing countries agriculture. Sustainable Economies, 2(1), 1-15.
Abstract: Divestment of foreign direct investment has accompanied foreign direct investment.The literature on the interface of foreign direct investment and domestic investment in theagricultural sector is limited. None of these addressed the effect of agricultural foreigndivestment on agricultural domestic investment. This paper filled this gap by assessing thedirection and extent of the effect of agricultural foreign divestment on agricultural domesticinvestment in developing countries. The panel data of 50 countries, covering 1995 to 2020 andmaking up 619 observations, was fitted to fixed and random effects as well as generalisedestimation equation estimators. We found agricultural foreign divestment crowded outagricultural domestic investment in developing countries. Economic managers in developingcountries must work towards strong macroeconomic indicators, as these have collateralbenefits for enhancing agricultural domestic investment.
Appears in Collections:ARTICLES

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